The following responses are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council, an invitation-only organization composed of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and e-mail lessons. (more…)
The Hidden Drive of Customer Satisfaction
Today’s business owners are continuously trying to improve their organisation’s customer experience due to the direct impact this has on their bottom line. The key lies in the ability to properly motivate and drive employees to perform beyond what is expected of them. To a large extent, this is attributed to the way you engage your employees. (more…)
19 Antiquated Employee Engagement Approaches Contributing to Organizational Anxiety
Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian philosopher of communication theory who passed away 33 years ago, once stated: “Our Age of Anxiety is, in great part, the result of trying to do today’s job with yesterday’s tools and yesterday’s concepts.” I have been thinking about that quotation in relationship to employee engagement. The Canadian penny is a currency of yesterday and is no longer being produced but I thought it fit here to offer my “two cents worth” on outdated engagement tools and concepts. (more…)
The Secret to Retaining Key Talent
Described as the most critical metric for organisations in the 21st century, employee engagement is the emotional commitment an employee has to their place of work – and its goals. Engaged employees can mean the difference between a surviving or a thriving organisation. This is especially pertinent during economic recovery periods when there are more opportunities for employees to grow and prosper. During upward economic cycles, engagement becomes crucial as organisations ask fewer people to do more, creating increased risk that top-performing employees may leave as conditions improve. (more…)
Keeping Your Organization’s Values Alive
Organizational values anchor a team, a business unit or a company. They can provide a moral foundation for taking the high ground in tough times or when temptation comes knocking. They reflect and reinforce organizational culture.
Many organizational leaders take the time and effort to come up with an explicit set of values that reflect the beliefs and aspirations of their company or business unit. These values are often inspirational; professing integrity, leadership and teamwork. When I ask about organizational values, I find that the executives I work are often enthusiastic and supportive of them. (more…)